Prescriptions and Medicines Centre

How can we help you?

Prescriptions can take up to 2 working days to get signed, and then the pharmacy need time to get it ready. These 2 working days start from when the request is received at the surgery. We will not generally process prescription requests if they are requested more than 2 weeks before they are due.

We would rather you used the NHS App to request your medication as this speeds up the process for us and you too. Alternatively, if your medication is stable and doesn’t change much, you may prefer us to send up to 12 months of prescriptions to your pharmacy – in which case please request your prescription to be a ‘Batch Prescription’ when you request it.

If you cannot use the NHS App, you can still request medication by:

  • Phoning your normal pharmacy to request your medication on your behalf – note the surgery does not take prescription requests over the phone
  • Dropping in a paper request in our post box outside the front door (please note this method takes the longest to process)

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