Churchdown Surgery Updates – 29 December 2021

Merry Christmas to all of our patients at Churchdown Surgery! And thank you for attending for your booster vaccine – there are still walk in clinics available if you have yet to get your jab!

Due to the rising numbers of Omicron cases we unfortunately have been affected at Churchdown Surgery resulting in several staff members needing to isolate or take time off with sickness. Please bear with us if your appointment is changed at short notice as we accommodate for these changes.

We continue to encourage you to help protect yourself and others this winter. This includes you to wear a facemask, take a lateral flow test before you meet with others, stay in well ventilated areas, wash your hands regularly and take a PCR test if you develop new symptoms of possible Covid.

We are monitoring this situation daily and may need to alter how we run the surgery if things worsen – keep an eye on here for updates.

Remember to flow before you go and stay safe.